IUL Q&A, learn more!

How much do I need to fund an IUL? A good rule of thumb is is 10x your age. Everyone’s number will be different based on the purpose of the IUL.

How much insurance do I need? We will follow the Tefra/Defra rules to determine the minimum/maximum insurance allowed.

How much do I have to pay? Fees are determined by age/health. Please view the qualifications page to see if you will be denied coverage.

Can I change my policy in the future? Yes, you can change the policy variables on annual reviews to accommodate your goals. You can also update your policy for a better rating if you become healthier (ie: weight loss, stop tobacco, get off medications)

Can I roll-out of a 401k? Yes, you can pay taxes on your 401k now and roll those funds into an IUL and pay no taxes later.

Can I put a large down-stroke the first year to snowball the policy? Yes, we will design the policy to stay within the TEFRA/DEFRA/TAMRA rules and avoid becoming a MEC. Based on the design, we will establish the best timeframe on how to infuse the funds into the policy.

Can I place a policy on my children? Yes, Absolutely. Children will have the best rates that they get to keep for life!

Do I have to pay the policy forever? We can design an policy where the IUL policy will be able to fund itself after a period of time.

Can an IUL policy Lapse? Yes. If not designed properly, it will lapse. There are many generic insurance products being sold to benefit the insurance carrier and not the policy owner. I will custom design your policy and show you projections of the policy thru age 120.

Can I cancel the policy? Yes, you may cancel the policy. I suggest NOT getting a policy if you cannot commit to at least 10 years.

Are there fees to cancel? Yes, your surrender value will be a portion of the cash value depending on variables such as what year you cancel and if there are any outstanding loans.

Do I have flexibility on the payments? Yes, being a universal life policy there is flexibility in payments.

Are all IUL’s the same? NO, there are countless carriers in the market that offer a variety of inferior products.

Who are your carriers? I work with dozen of carriers that are rated A+ and many have been around for 100+ years. We will select a carrier that best serves your needs.

Is this get rich quick? No, You should have a long term horizon in mind. The policy will create compound growth the longer it stays untouched, look out 10-30+ years.

Can I fund my retirement with an IUL? Yes, by taking money out via a loan against the cash value you can generate tax-free income.

What age can I withdraw funds? You can withdraw funds at ANY age as long as there is an accumulated cash value.

Do I get living benefits? Yes, after your first premium is paid. Critical, Chronic, Terminal Illness and Critical Injury.

Do I get death benefits? Yes, after your first premium is paid.

I saw a bad review online about IULs, what’s that about? Your policy will be custom built and you can see into the future until age 120 to verify you like the projection. There are countless IUL products being sold by insurance agents that are ignorant on how to design a policy or sell a generic IUL product (no design) that offers a higher commission and are designed to lapse.

Why doesn’t my financial advisor tell me about Index Universal Life? There are financial advisors that do advise this product and have acquired the license to sell it themselves or have relationships established and refer their clients to insurance professionals. However, there is a dark side…

1) The realty is the majority of financial advisors have different credentials (Series 3, 7, 63 licenses) and are not licensed to sell life insurance and therefore do not promote a product that he/she is not able to sell.

2) Many financial advisors take the “safe” route and deter interest to their client because of lack of education if prompted for an opinion.

3) We also find that the majority of financial advisors prefer not to sell these products because it’s a one time commission (Paid by the insurance carrier.) Many Financial Advisors would rather

take .05-2% of the TOTAL sum of your money managed EACH & EVERY year regardless if your portfolio performs!